(Latest update 3/26/15)
WTI is a 501(c)3 non-profit community service organization, incorporated in 1971 for the express purpose of "saving the Planet." WTI engages in research and education in all aspects of survival.
All Events, unless otherwise indicated, are held at 5835 Burwood Ave, Highland Park, CA 90042.
Cost: We suggest an $20. donation per event (receipts given upon request), per person, to attend the unique, “life-enhancing” Events of this nearly half-century old non-profit corporation.
RSVP: Let us know if you plan to come by calling us at 323 620-4720. You can also reserve via the mail, by sending a check for the event, to WTI, Event chair, 5835 Burwood Ave., Highland Park, CA 90042
Every Sunday at 9:30 a.m., we conduct "Spiritual Studies" (where we focus on the "science" in the spiritual aspects) outdoors under our 150 year-old “Bodhi tree.” Topics vary from week to week. We recommend you call in advance, especially if it is a holiday weekend when we might have another event that supercedes this.
We suggest a donation of at least $20. to cover our costs and support our activities. However, for those of you who cannot afford this, we conduct a simple work activity after the session so that your remuneration / donation can be achieved by participating in UP-lifting educational “hands-on” activities.
The listed topics are subject to change. If a higher priority arises for a timely topic to share, we will re-schedule the listed topic for a later date. It is best to call 2 to 3 days ahead if you wish to verify the topic.
January 30: Is Kundalini Yoga valuable? February 6: Honesty vs. Honorability. February 13: The mysterious pre-Christian roots of Valentines Day. February 20: Presidents Day: What are the ideal traits of Leadership? February 27: African heritage and its major contributions to world culture. March 6: Choice vs. Decision, and the ramifications of each. March 13: Purim: What does it mean, and how does it apply to us? March 20: What does it mean to be a woman? March 27: Commemorating the Founder of WTI. Join us as we recall the history of WTI and how it got started, and the founding principles. We will share details about the life of R.E. White, what he did and accomplished, and the specific ways in which he influenced those who followed his path and teachings. April 3: Ramadan: its roots, what it means, how it applies to my spiritual evolution. April 10: Palm Sunday and its mysterious and conflicting stories. [Possibly include commentary on Siddhartha (i.e., Buddha), who birthday is April 8] April 17: Death and Resurrection is a timeless paradigm. How does this relate to my spiritual evolution? April 24: Earth Year: Learn the details of living ecologically, and economically, year-round. May 1: Commentary on May Day/Beltane. Also, What is Prayer? May 8: Explore the essence of Mother-ness. May 15: How should we interacts with the Faunal? How can we conduct a Fauneral? May 22: The Principle of Lovingkindness (Neighborliness) provides a solution to personal, and world, problems. May 29: Memorial Day and what we should all be learning from it. June 5: Gender Identification issues/ How both men and women can work towards Balance. June 12: Forgiveness, repentance, and changing our character. June 19: Explore the essence of Father-ness. June 26: What is Family? The Value of Family. July 3: Freedom and Independence: What it means, and its many Counterfeits. July 10: Exploring the Karmaic consequences of waste. July 17: Are certain numbers significant for our spiritual evolution? Exploring the mystery and symbolism of numbers. July 24: Compassion, empathy, sympathy. Are these different? What does it matter? July 31: An exploration of the police, laws, and the pursuit of Real Justice. August 7: Is the West in decline? If so, what can we do about it? August 14: Learning about Obon. August 21: Can our Thoughts affect the Weather? August 28: An exploration of how to use Money wisely. September 4: Labor Day, and an exploration of the Labors we should each be pursuing. September 11: Definitions of Terrorism, and how to deal with it. Discussion also of the concept of Karma. September 18: Death, causes of Death, and how the living should regard death. September 25: Rosh Hashana: What does it mean, and how can it be a tool of spiritual evolution? October 2: Yom Kippur and the value of Re-Thinking our life. October 9: Columbus and his role in the decimation of Native American populations. What was America like before 1492? October 16: What is Real Thinking, as per Percival in his classic book, Thinking and Destiny. How can this technology change your life? October 23: Democracy is Self-Government. October 30: Samhain, the ancient Celtic New Year. How did we get to what we have today? November 6: Honoring Veterans. A view of war in human history. November 13: As ye sow, so shall ye reap and our agricultural system November 20: Giving Thanks and Appreciation are good for the Soul! Let us explore under the surface of what the Thanksgiving Day has become, and look at solutions and alternatives. November 27: Are material goods the key to our happiness? December 4: Your health, cold-temperature survival, and sugar! December 11 The Spirits of Alcohol: What are they? December 18: Hannukah, the Festival of Lights. Explore the esoteric symbolism of this Holy day. December 25: Explore the many roots of the modern Christmas celebration, including pre-Christian roots, and a look at the modern Kwanzaa celebration.
SPECIAL EVENTS for Holidays and Holy Days
Please contact us via phone or email for details on Special Events for Holy Days or Holidays. WHERE: 5835 Burwood Ave., Los Angeles 90042